Best Scratchies To Buy

It's THE most important decision you can make. If you choose the wrong ones, you seriously hurt your chances of winning. Here's how to find the best scratch off tickets to play.

  1. Best Scratchers To Buy In Georgia
  2. Best Scratchies To Buy Online
  3. Best Scratchies To Buy Online
  4. Best Scratchers To Buy In California

It's NOT:-

  • the newest one
  • the shiniest one
  • or the one the retailer wants to sell you!

It's also not '3 of these, 2 of those, er, one of the crosswordones, and er, how much do I have left..?' (Are you guilty ofthis? When you only went in to buy a loaf of bread..?)

You can throw money away on scratchers. OR you can buythe ones that are most likely to have you walk away with alife changing sum.

Which would you prefer? ;-)

OK, So What Are The Best Scratchers To Buy?

You need to know 2 things:-

Apr 07, 2020 The Best Lottery Scratch Offs State by State! America’s obsession with lottery scratch offs continues to grow year after year. About 65% of all US lottery sales are instant scratch games. If you are like most players though, you are picking your scratch off games all wrong. Most players randomly guess which game to buy, hoping to strike it rich.

[1] Only play the games with 'big enough' prizes.

What is 'big enough'..? That's up to YOU - because enough tobe life changing varies from person to person. For most peoplethis means you should never play the cheapest tickets. Ever.

Why? Because you have to win again, and again, and againto reach that position of a life changing win. Yourodds of winning over and over are far worse thanjust aiming for the right prize in the first place!

  • Take a look at the image of an instant kiwi scratchies NZ card that we can buy in many places in New Zealand and even online on the official NZ lottery website. Scratch games are played by buying a card with the symbols of cash prizes in different amounts and in order to win you need to scratch three symbols with the same amount.
  • Ever Wonder Which Scratch Cards Are The Best? We Know How To Find Best Scratch Cards To Win?? Read Now All The Tips To Improve Your Game✅?

[2] Which scratch off tickets have the best odds?

Ticket PriceBest Odds?
Scratchers Best Odds
$10-$20Best (see below)
$30-50Best (see below)

There's more to this though - it's not just the best overall odds OR even about the best jackpot odds.

What you really need to know is which ticket is best TODAY.

That's because the odds change all the time as tickets are sold, and prizes are won.

And there's more to figuring this out than you might think. There's even a niceformula we can use. (But there's also, potentially, a massive shortcut, whichI'll get to in just a moment!)

You may have already heard the tip to 'only play games withlots of big prizes remaining'?

It's a decent tip. (i.e. don't be that person blindly playing agame where all the big prizes have already gone - this happens a lot!)

Best Scratchers To Buy In Georgia

But you can do a lot better than this!

Most lottery companies in the US give out some fairly detaileddata on scratchers. It's right there on their websites. Sometimeshidden away, but it is there.

What we can do with this data is figure out at any given timewhich are the best scratchers to buy today. Not by the odds when thosegames started. But by the odds TODAY. Based on how manytickets have been sold. And how many prizes have been won.Both big AND small prizes.

That's a big deal, because this 'ratio' approach tells you whichgames have most winning tickets left OVERALL. It tells youwhich games have a higher percentage of winners versus losers.

So you simply avoid the games with the worst win ratios, andonly play the ones with the best win ratios. The result - you willbuy more winning tickets.

It takes a little extra effort, but it's worth it.

IMPORTANT: These tips are part of a much bigger series. Make sure you get all of them by entering your email here: how to win at scratch offs (it's totally free, I just got fed up with all the terrible advice out there!)

p.s. the link opens in a new tab/window so you can do it now and not lose your place here. I can wait... ;-)

Best scratchies to buy on amazon

How To Work Out For Yourself
Which Are The Best Scratchers To Buy

If you like messing around in spreadsheets, you can calculatethis stuff for yourself. (But that super easy shortcut is below ifthis sounds like hard work..! Note: it's only currently available to those in the USA though, sorry.)

Firstly you need to find where they keep all the scratchers data.Head for your lottery companies official website, and startdigging. You may find a nice table, but more likely you will needto dig in to the details of each ticket available one at a time.

What you want to do is make up a spreadsheet of all this data.That is, the ticket name, price, number of top prizes, top prizesremaining, number of other prizes and other prizes remaining.

You might also want to store the date the ticket went on sale,and how much the major prize amount is too.

The formula you then want to apply is basically this:-

(top prizes remaining / number of top prizes)
divided by
(other prizes remaining / number of other prizes)

This 'ratio' gives you a useful figure to compare games. Thehigher that number is the better.

Best Scratchies To Buy Online

It is vital however to keep updating this data regularly. Everyweek is fine. But leaving it a month can turn the best scratch ticketinto one of the worst.

What's The Super Easy Shortcut?

The easy way to do this is to just get Dave's reports. He runs aservice that does all this number crunching for you. And it's aridiculously cheap $20 for a whole year. For that you get a freshup to date report every week specially for your own state.

Even if you only buy 1 scratcher a week it's a no-brainer at thatcrazy cheap price (just don't tell Dave I said that!)

This option is currently only available to players in the USA though. If you're not in the US, all is not lost, you'll just have to put in a little manual effort and DIY it - here's how.

Best Scratchies To Buy Online

IMPORTANT: To make sure you don't miss any of my scratchers tips, head over here now. Put all of these into place and it can make a serious difference to your chances of scratching a big winner.

Best Scratchers To Buy In California

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